Little Karen Schlosser, age six, do not forget,
Was going to the dentist, an affair she would regret.
She begged and pleaded not to go, but in a harsh, stern voice
Her mother said, “Too late, you must, you really have no choice.”
Karen climbed into the car, determined not to cry.
She sat and sat and thought of sun and birds and trees and sky.
She made a picture in her mind of things she’d always loved
Just in case she ne’er returned and entered the world above.
All too soon the car did stop, mother opened up the door.
It was all the girl could do to keep from melting to the floor.
The dentist’s office loomed ahead, and with one last deep breath,
Karen squared her shoulders firmly, o’er the threshold she did step.
“Ah, if it isn’t little Karen,” the receptionist said grinning.
“Take a seat right over there; you can wait while you are sitting.”
Karen shuddered while she sat there, and waited for her doom.
She scarce could keep from screaming when he came into the room.
Ghostly white and peeling, hands gnarled into fists,
Shuffling and creaking, in walked the dentist.
“There you are, so glad you’ve come, I’ve missed you so,” he rasped.
And when he touched her shoulder Karen let escape a gasp.
The room was gloomy, dark, and bare, except for chair and table,
And on the walls grew dark green fuzz that did not look too edible.
“Oh my,” Karen stuttered, looking round the place,
“This will not be easy from my memory to erase.”
The dentist coughed and turned to her, positively leering,
In his hand he held the thing that Karen had been fearing.
Sharp and pointy, deadly prick, the silver tool it glinted,
And as the man advanced on her, Karen went demented!
“Oh, no you don’t!” she yelled aloud, ducking his mad swipe.
She turned and said, “I’ve had enough, it’s time you tried this strife!”
She grabbed the tool from him so fast she was hardly even thinking
And plunged it hard into that grin, the needle quickly sinking.
Working quickly, whistling clearly, kneeling on the floor,
She worked on the sleeping dentist, who now was deep in snore.
Standing up and looking round, she searched for one more thing.
“Ah, ha!” she cried when spotting it; it was bright and sharp and twinkling.
Was going to the dentist, an affair she would regret.
She begged and pleaded not to go, but in a harsh, stern voice
Her mother said, “Too late, you must, you really have no choice.”
Karen climbed into the car, determined not to cry.
She sat and sat and thought of sun and birds and trees and sky.
She made a picture in her mind of things she’d always loved
Just in case she ne’er returned and entered the world above.
All too soon the car did stop, mother opened up the door.
It was all the girl could do to keep from melting to the floor.
The dentist’s office loomed ahead, and with one last deep breath,
Karen squared her shoulders firmly, o’er the threshold she did step.
“Ah, if it isn’t little Karen,” the receptionist said grinning.
“Take a seat right over there; you can wait while you are sitting.”
Karen shuddered while she sat there, and waited for her doom.
She scarce could keep from screaming when he came into the room.
Ghostly white and peeling, hands gnarled into fists,
Shuffling and creaking, in walked the dentist.
“There you are, so glad you’ve come, I’ve missed you so,” he rasped.
And when he touched her shoulder Karen let escape a gasp.
The room was gloomy, dark, and bare, except for chair and table,
And on the walls grew dark green fuzz that did not look too edible.
“Oh my,” Karen stuttered, looking round the place,
“This will not be easy from my memory to erase.”
The dentist coughed and turned to her, positively leering,
In his hand he held the thing that Karen had been fearing.
Sharp and pointy, deadly prick, the silver tool it glinted,
And as the man advanced on her, Karen went demented!
“Oh, no you don’t!” she yelled aloud, ducking his mad swipe.
She turned and said, “I’ve had enough, it’s time you tried this strife!”
She grabbed the tool from him so fast she was hardly even thinking
And plunged it hard into that grin, the needle quickly sinking.
Working quickly, whistling clearly, kneeling on the floor,
She worked on the sleeping dentist, who now was deep in snore.
Standing up and looking round, she searched for one more thing.
“Ah, ha!” she cried when spotting it; it was bright and sharp and twinkling.
Tug, pop, tug, pop, on and on she worked.
Never stopping, steady working, never did she shirk.
Pop, tug, pop, tug, one by one they came,
Mossy, black and brown and yellow, disgustingly insane.
“Well?” asked her mother as Karen came through the door.
“I’m fine, mom, it was no big deal, so let’s head out and soar!”
Her mother stared at her in wonder, “Where’ve you put my girl?”
“She’s right here, Ma, just right now, so let’s go face that world!!!”
So Karen and her mother left, the former grinning broadly,
While miles away a dentist was now speaking rather oddly,
For when he woke he blinked his eyes, was shocked at what he saw.
He’s not a dentist anymore, since his teeth are long, long gone.
Never stopping, steady working, never did she shirk.
Pop, tug, pop, tug, one by one they came,
Mossy, black and brown and yellow, disgustingly insane.
“Well?” asked her mother as Karen came through the door.
“I’m fine, mom, it was no big deal, so let’s head out and soar!”
Her mother stared at her in wonder, “Where’ve you put my girl?”
“She’s right here, Ma, just right now, so let’s go face that world!!!”
So Karen and her mother left, the former grinning broadly,
While miles away a dentist was now speaking rather oddly,
For when he woke he blinked his eyes, was shocked at what he saw.
He’s not a dentist anymore, since his teeth are long, long gone.
I wrote this poem for English in ninth grade. It's dedicated to my teacher.
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