Friday, February 5, 2010

specialty numbers...

Today we had a rehearsal overlap problem. The rehearsal for "America" and the rehearsal for specialty numbers were scheduled at the same time. It was interesting. The first thing that was practiced was the song "Seasons of Love". I can't be in that number because I have a really quick costume change, from preshow to "Grease". I sat and watched for a long time, and then it was time for the specialy numbers to practice.

"Grease" is first on the program after the opening choir number. We finally got everything set on the stage and all of the spacing worked out. Finally. It was kind of frustrating because a couple of people didn't want to be moved or consistently said that they couldn't move two feet fast enough (which they really could, because they did it three times). But it did get worked out, and I think it's going to go all right for the concert. I can't believe it's a week from today all ready.

"America" was scheduled to practice in the foyer of the auditorium during the same time as the specialty numbers, so that was a bit of a problem. Jeremiah wasn't particularly happy with that because there were five people in "Grease" and "America", and then there were boys in specialty numbers right after "Grease". was interesting. I couldn't even dance full out for either number, and I couldn't sing very well because I've still been really sick. Ugh.

Let's hope this works out.

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