Tuesday, July 12, 2011

day 63...

a picture and description of my idea of the perfect first date...

I'm copping out on this one. I really, really, really, really don't like dating. This will probably get me into trouble, but I prefer "hanging out". Dating is so hard for me right now, especially after what happened with me and Aries (he was at the farewell yesterday...I'm happy to report that nothing of interest happened, except that Jason was a very good bodyguard). For me, the idea of being alone with a man I don't know very well is terrifying. Even if I do know him, I don't want to be alone with him. Group dates, too. I don't like them, unless I'm really comfortable with the guy.

Now that I've confessed, I will tell you about two perfect first single dates. The first one was with Jason, when we went to a barbeque at his ward. We didn't know each other super well at that point, but we were friends. The best part was when we went for a walk around his neighborhood, and we got to talk a lot. I do remember that I said, "That's funny" waaaay too much during the conversation, which is something I've noticed I say when I'm nervous, but other than that? Perfect. It was only awkward when I noticed that I kept saying the same thing, and then I stopped so it was all good.

The second was with Jordan. He took me to a concert that one of our friends was performing in. We got stranded at UVU for a while because his family needed the cars for work, so we walked around and goofed off on the roof. It wasn't my first date with Jordan (neither was the one with Jason--we went to a play on our first date with another couple), but it was my first single date with him. It was also his first single date ever (the funny thing about that is that I was also his very first date ever, back in high school when he took me to Homecoming our junior year). The only awkward part of that date was when Jordan almost backed into another car. I thought it was hilarious. Jordan, not so much. He's not the best driver in the world. That's one area where I've got him beat!

Neither of those dates were the very first. They were the first single dates. Jason I'd known for about four months. Jordan I'd known for over five years. So...yeah! Don't get me in too much trouble for not wanting to date. It's just uncomfortable at the moment.

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