Thursday, August 11, 2011

day 81...

a picture of something that makes me happy...

I'm the type of person who keeps little things that remind me of people, events, or special moments. A picture from a friend, letters, bookmarkers from far away places, pictures of people I love, dried flowers, honor chords, stickers from a particularly terrifying visit to the doctor's office that ended in personal triumph, Dove chocolate wrappers with inspirational messages that I mean to copy and never do, fortune cookie slips, a rock that a child gave me as a gift, you name it. I just keep things. This board is much too small to hold the notes from and pictures of friends. It's probably three layers deep now, of old memories and more recent ones.

Someday I want a cork board wall. A whole wall to put up photos and notes and all sorts of wonderful treasures! It'd be amazingly happy.

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