Wednesday, June 22, 2011

day 43...

a picture of something I can't function without...

Yes, I know. Pretty pathetic. Especially now that people are coming out with studies saying that cell phones are linked to brain cancer. I don't talk on my cell phone very much, so I guess it's more like I'll get a cancerous tumor in my leg because it's always in my pocket. Joy. Texting really is dangerous.

I find it funny that every time we humans come up with some helpful, time saving device to make life more effecient and "easy", we find out a few years later that we've actually made things worse. Of course.


spider said...

People have been saying that cell phones cause cancer for ages, but it's actually pretty unlikely that they do.

According to the American Cancer Society, most studies have shown no relationship between cell phone use and cancer. Since cell phones haven't been in widespread use for that long, no one really knows the long term effects, but so far, they don't seem problematic. In fact, cell phones actually give off non-ionizing radiation, which has no effect on cancer risk, so there's really nothing to worry about. :)

If you're interested, there's more information here:

Sarah Anne said...

Haha, thanks, spider. I'm not really worried about it. I've got bigger things to deal with than this anyway. :)