So it's happened. My whole family has made it into the Wizard of Oz. I'm excited, but also saying good-bye to my summer. Auditions went all right. My voice cracked during my song due to my stupid walking pneumonia thing, which has reared its ugly head again during the recent cold weather. Other than that, it went great. My dad was amazing, as was my mom. My sisters are not amazing yet. Neither am I. We're still "yiddle" and not into our big voices yet.
When we got to auditions, we were numbers 112-116, and the number that was on deck was 78 or something. In other words, we had a long wait. I was so scared that I was literally shaking so hard that I could barely write down my name on the info sheet they gave us to fill out. And I know all the people I was auditioning for!!! :P After filling out the sheet, I sat rigid in my chair, eyes straight ahead, and trying not to throw up.
I, and my equally frightened sisters, were saved when the choreographer for the show asked if anyone wanted to try out for a part in the "Jitterbug" number. All three of us jumped at the chance, even though we were in dresses because we hadn't known that dance auditions would be on the same night. We learned a short, fast, three sets of eight routine and performed it for the choreographer. Meghan and I went together, and we did all right. It was hardest because it was fast, and we were stuck in dresses. I was lucky; I put leggings on under my dress right before we left. Meghan's skirt was sort of limiting and she kept getting stuck when the fabric would stretch too tightly around her legs. It was fun though, and none of us were nervous anymore. All that fear had just been danced out.
I still think it's funny how we were in dresses. We looked so silly, with our hair and make-up all nice and looking ready for church, sliding and kicking in time to "Ladies' Choice" from Hairspray. It was an interesting experience.
Spent the day in bed and sleeping/reading/playing Bubble Town on MSN. I've been so sick, and I hate it. My family (meaning the girls) were going to go to the General Young Women's Conference tonight in Salt Lake, but we couldn't go because I'm sick and so are both of my sisters. Now that the auditions are over, illness is no longer kept at bay. I guess we really were supposed to audition for it.
Is it just me, or does Robert Pattinson have a really strange sounding voice? It's not bad, just interesting.
You have a lovely voice! I mean, more practice will make it better, but you have a solid base to build on.
Break a leg, grrrrlie:>)I'm so excited for you!
Not just you, Miss Georgie. He sounds strange to us all.
Q and distracted: Thanks!
Maya: Good, I'm not the only one then. :)
this family news is quite terrific. I wish I could see you all dancing in your bright dresses and fine hair!
We don't know for sure that we have a part, but I'm definitely crossing my fingers. Hope you feel better soon sis.
I think Robert Pattinson sounds weird and you know it because I was complaining about it last night.
Beth: :D
PotterGirl: Mom told me that we're in it. We just don't know who we're playing yet.
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