Last Christmas the Provo Tabernacle burned down. This building meant so much to many members of the community. It was a place where people could gather to sing and to speak and to do all sorts of unifying things. The tabernacle was one of my favorite places, and sadly I took it for granted. When it burned, I realized how much it meant to me and I was devestated, just like a lot of other people.
I was one of the last people to be in the Provo Tabernacle before it burned down. LDC was slated to perform in the "Gloria!" concert with Lex de Azevedo the night after the fire. Everything was all set to go, and the rehearsal went pretty well. We were there quite late, talking after the rehearsal in the choir lofts just below the antique pioneer organ. The building was beautiful, all decked out and shimmering for Christmas. When I heard that the tabernacle was on fire, I prayed so hard that it could be saved. However, the roof collapsed, and that was the end of it.
Today President Monson announced that there will be a new temple built, right where the Provo Tabernacle is. I realized right as he said it that the Lord had answered a prayer I didn't know I'd prayed. I'd given up hope that the building could be saved, but it is going to be, in a way better than I could have ever imagined! I am so, so excited for this to happen! The tabernacle will stand again, just refined and purified. It's how we are refined and purified, through the fire of the Holy Ghost, and we become holy through that. How interesting is that, that through fire the tabernacle has become an even holier, more
magnificent place.

The Lord really does care about his children. He loves us. We MATTER to him. YOU! Matter to him. Don't forget that.
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