Friday, March 20, 2009

Uncle Tom's Cabin...

When I composed this little book
So many years ago,
A stir began in many hearts
As in them my words sowed.

I saw the horror of the slave,
The life they shouldn’t lead.
And in my soul I realized
Their ever pressing need.

I wrote a picture of their pain,
I penned their songs of hurt.
Little did I even know
The power of written word.

When I composed this little book
So many years ago,
A stir began in many hearts
As in them my words sowed.

Yep, it's that time again. Time for history extra credit. I hope he gives me the points I need!


COLEMAN said...

I HOPE HE DOES TO!!!!!!!!!

J.N. Future Author said...

I NEVER liked that book

Sarah Anne said...

Coleman: :)

J.N.: Me neither.