From Q.

From Danielle.
Thanks so much to Q and Danielle for the "Fabulous" Awards. I really appreciate it, and this poem is dedicated to you both. It isn't much, but it's how I felt.
I now nominate Kate, decor8, Jewel, and Summermoon.
I keep getting the feeling that my Seminary teacher is trying to get me to repent or something. All General Conference I felt like I needed to change some things, but I could maybe wait until later. Well, Seminary this week has been all about repentance and godly sorrow, sins and the Atonement (for more info, email me at wannabkenobi at gmail dot com or check out the LDS official website at www.lds.org) Maybe it is a hint or something.
The Alpine School District Language Fair is tomorrow. Yikes! I'm in charge of a skit, called "The Red Bench" or "La Banca Roja". I'm so nervous, because one girl didn't show up to practice today and another doesn't know her lines. Oh, well. Since it's a Judged Event, my teacher is giving me the automatic 100 points for the term project we have to do, no matter what score the judges give us. Sweet.
I struggled in Science today. Not because it was hard. No, it was because I kept falling asleep, or almost falling asleep. I still don't want to hear the famous "Go get a drink" from Mr. Clark, so I forced myself to keep my head up. I about cried with happiness when he told the class to go take a break.
Lunch consisted of something that was supposed to be spaghetti. It was more like rubberized yarn smothered in an extremely sweet red sauce, which tasted more like Kool-Aid than tomatoes, and chunky imitation ground beef. At least I think it was imitation ground beef. I have no idea what it might have been. At least the roll was good. School food generally is palatable, if only just. I mean, it totally isn't worth $1.75, but hey, it's better than not eating anything.
Ceramics was interesting today. We're starting a new project, meaning we wasted the day. That's just what happens. Mr. Steadman showed us how to make plaster molds of objects that we can use for sculptures; I brought a tape measure. Brad, an amazing and I mean aMAZING ceramicist (that seriously is a word? It didn't show up as misspelled or anything), brought a lightbulb. Awesome, no? So we made molds from oil based clay (yick) and then filled them with plaster. Double yick. It was fun, I guess. Just messy.
I accidentally double charged a lady at work today, and she was mad. She was even more mad when she found out I was new, and told the full-time employee (Paul, at the time) that they shouldn't have a new person running the cash register. When he asked her how else I would learn, she walked out. *sigh* I don't mean to cause problems. Problems just seem to follow me around. Other than that, it wasn't bad. I kept dropping things because I was scared to mess up again, and finally the other Paul (part-time) sent me in the back to get belts. I'm good at stocking belts. And merit badges. Good at that, too.
Well, today wasn't bad, I guess. It could have been worse, and it could have been a little better. That is my analysis. ;)
I'm done.
You're welcome! <3
Wow, that description of school lunch just totally turned me off of that spaghetti.
Ah, I've had the "Go get a drink" routine before; it's really not so bad, especially when you're sitting in the back in the first place. I love it when that opportune everyone-get-up-and-take-a-break thing happens, though. :) Good luck at the language fair!
Thank you!
Love the poem...
Thanks Georgie!! :-) Lovely poem.
Good luck with the skit. Sounds like a neat experience. I would love to try pottery some day. Don't let crotchety customers get to you...of course you have to start somewhere.
Have a great almost-weekend!
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