(I only took this picture because I liked the colors of the balls next to each other. :) )
I went again with my sister this evening. I got a strike!!! I also got over 100 points for the first time ever! Highest score in my life: 120! Amanda also got over 100, bowling 104 points. Her highest ever, too. It was so much fun. Before we went bowling, we went to Christopher & Banks so that I could look at the shirts that were on sale. I got two shirts and a vest. I'm excited. We also went to Hogi Yogi after bowling and got smoothies. She got Watermelon Wave and I got Peach Treat. They tasted a lot better until my mom told me that they were actually not very good for you. :P Dang it.
Work was all right. Mostly boring and at times nerve wracking. I did data entry a lot for something like inventory (reassigning items in the computer?). And then there were all of the people who came in to get stuff for the camps. It was crazy, and then dead, and then crazy, and then dead. Oy. I almost got yelled at by customers twice (one for prices, one because she had no money left on her account. like it's my fault) but Michelle saved me. Thank you, Michelle.
After work I sort of took a nap, watched more Bewitched, and watched M*A*S*H. Please enlighten me. Does the title have an asterisk after the H, like so: M*A*S*H* :? I can't remember. The one with it after the H looks better. I don't know.
Let's see. Did I do anything else? I forgot to take my camera with me. I missed out on so many cool shots. *kicks herself* Stupid! I'll just have to go back. Too bad-more shopping and bowling. That just sucks, you know?
So I keep thinking about somebody. Not that one. Another friend of mine, named Kevin. I woke up thinking about him, and I haven't been able to get him off of my mind. He's a good friend of mine, and I haven't talked to him in forever. Should I send him and email or call him tomorrow? He just keeps popping up in my head randomly. No lovey-dovey, gooey stuff. He's just circling in my thoughts. Kind of annoying, actually. Hm. I'll shoot him an email or something.
Okay. I'm done now. Sorry the poem sucks. I'm running out of ideas. This poem-a-day thing is hard.
Once I got about a 130 on a game of bowling. The next game I got a seventy. Sigh.
I liked the poem. My bowling scores usually haver around a sixty-three. And I go most Wednesdays for gym class, so you'd think I'd improve, but no.
This is a beautiful poem about that game. Those pins are stuck-up, aren't they!
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